We are excited to invite all qualified athletes to join our FREE 5-week exploratory volleyball experience.
This program is for boys and girls aged from 10 to 14 We will introduce the athletes to the basic skills of volleyball since learning these fundamentals at a young age is essential. We feature high-energy activities designed to develop hand-eye coordination, large motor skills, muscle strength, tracking skills, and spatial awareness.
Young volleyball athletes will learn general athletic skills, and using modified equipment, they will get an introduction to volleyball and will cover all the fundamental skills plus develop technique through progression drills and individual/group work: passing, setting, hitting, serving, and the concept of the game.
We have specifically designed sessions for young athletes. They are created so that the young ones can learn the art of passing, setting, hitting, serving, and understanding the basic concept of the game. Each session will be 90 minutes, with plenty of water breaks. Volley-lite balls and a lower net will be used to help young athletes succeed and have a great time in the process.
Age Group:
10 - 12: COED (Boys and Girls are training together) 630pm to 815pm Tuesdays from May 9th to June 13th
13 - 14: COED (Boys and Girls are training together) 630pm to 815pm on Thursdays from May 11th to June 15th
Program Detail
- Free for all
- A Free t-shirt for every athlete
- A $50 Deposit is required and the deposit will be returned at the end of the program. Venmo to @nycimpactvb
- USAV Developmental Membership is Required, Click Here to obtain a membership. Make sure to watch the tutorial video before you sign up for the membership.
Practice Location:
P.S. 032 Samuel Mills Sprole School, 420 Union St, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Disclaimer: This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the NYC Department of Education or the City of New York